Foods containing phytoestrogens

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The phytoestrogens are a number of plant compounds that give the body effects similar to those provided estrogen, decreasing the risk of some cancers and protecting you against osteoporosis. Today Another Medicine will give you information on what are the foods that contain phytoestrogens so you can include them in your daily menu.

Nuts and seeds

These foods are a great source of phytoestrogens . Flax and other seeds contain large amounts of this compound and also find phytoestrogens also in sesame seeds, in pistachios, sunflower seeds in in the chestnuts , almonds, barley, brown rice, nuts, among others.


The soybean is another great source of phytoestrogens , you also find that their derivatives such as tofu and soy milk also contain this compound. You'll find phytoestrogens in large quantities in lentils, beans, chickpeas and peas.

Fruits and vegetables

Some of the fruits and vegetables you consume daily are a high source of phytoestrogens . Among them you will find the dates dried, dried apricots and prunes. We also find fresh fruit like peaches, pomegranates, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. As for vegetables, phytoestrogens are present in pumpkin, broccoli, cabbage, fennel and onions.

Fruits and vegetables

Some of the fruits and vegetables you consume daily are a high source of phytoestrogens . Among them you will find the dates dried, dried apricots and prunes. We also find fresh fruit like peaches, pomegranates, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. As for vegetables, phytoestrogens are present in pumpkin, broccoli, cabbage, fennel and onions.

You see, Mother Nature is very wise and gives us phytoestrogens in different types of vegetables and fruits so that we can prevent certain diseases such as cancer, bone disorders such as osteoporosis and vascular disease because they decrease the presence of bad cholesterol or LDL, to have a better quality of life.

Tell us Do you do foods containing phytoestrogens usually? Do you know other than those mentioned in this article?  

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